Wednesday, July 16, 2008

I Have To Say That I Am Very Dissappointed!

I am a very big fan of the website because they have very inspiring and very motivating articles. Actually the site is just about what its title says - self gowth.

The site contains many articles about self improvement, the law of attraction and how you can use it to make your own life better, how to better get a "handle" on your finances and investments, articles to help your own business whether you have a business inside or outside the home and it even has articles to help you find what your passion is!

However I just found out today from another blog about a current email that is being sent to people asking them to submit articles to a book that is being created. There is nothing wrong with that BUT there is something in the small print that you should DEFINITELY read!

Ezine Article Scam?

Sunday, July 13, 2008

My Income As A Writer?

Now that I think about it I have managed to earn money as a writer! I was thinking about it when I was visiting one of the romance writing boards and I remembered that this was the first year that I earned money being self-employed!

Most of my earnings were from Adsense but it was an income just the same! How many people can say that!

When it came time for me to actually classify my type of income I saw that the only thing that looked like the right classification was writer! And that is what I put in there!

Another happy note - I was able to deduct the cost of some of my supplies on my income taxes and they were allowable expenses!

A Writer's Blog!

Well I have decided to start yet another blog! Why? Because my chosen profession is that of being a writer - I even declared myself as a writer on my 2007 income taxes!

I have also talked about being a writer on my main page.

I have written a few stories and I started off writing poems and then turning those poems into songs! I added music to them and then had the whole lot copyrighted!

I don't have anything published yet - mind you I said yet!